Using MolSync for chemical collaboration

Two articles have recently been added to the Molecular Materials Informatics site:

As the titles suggest, both articles are about sharing data with MolSync. Used in conjunction with MMDS, the apps can synchronise data on a Dropbox account, in many-to-one or many-to-many relationships.

The first case study describes how a datasheet – which consists of molecules, reactions and data – can be stored in a Dropbox folder, and kept uptodate on multiple iOS devices. This is relevant if, for example, you have an iPhone and an iPad, and you want to make sure you have access to the latest versions of your online data. The second case study describes how two different users can use Dropbox‘s folder sharing to collaborate on datasheets, even though they are using different online accounts. The technology for both cases is identical, from the app’s point of view. Dropbox takes care of all the access and permission issues.

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