CINF webinar: sneak preview

Next week I will be presenting a webinar, organised by ACS CINF (American Chemical Society, Chemical Information division). The title is Practical cheminformatics workflows with mobile apps, so if you have any interest in finding out where the state of the art is at, put aside thirty minutes and tune in.

The graphic shown on the right is a snippet from the upcoming presentation. It’s taken from the latest version of the SAR Table app, which introduces the ability to interface with a webservice that builds a structure-activity model based on available activity data, and predicts the missing values, which are shown as colour-coded half-squares. It’s still experimental, but it will be making an appearance in the workflow example next week.

SPRESImobile 2.0 now available: full reaction searching

The SPRESImobile app provides access to InfoChem‘s SPRESI database. It runs on Apple iOS devices (iPhones, iPods and iPads) and is free on the iTunes AppStore. The latest version extends the search capabilities to include searching by reaction: various types of exact, substructure and similarity searches can be performed. Furthermore, it is now possible for existing customers of SPRESI to provide their user credentials within the app, which unlocks the entirety of the database content, rather than the default curated ChemReact subset that is made available to all.

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OSDD Malaria now aggregated by Open Drug Discovery Teams

There’s more than one place to go for information about rare and neglected diseases, which is one of the main reasons we started building the Open Drug Discovery Teams project. An additional source has been added to the Malaria topic: @OSDDMalaria.

This is a Twitter feed compiled by Open Source Drug Discovery, which emits links to current and useful information about efforts to combat malaria. The kinds of information made available from this stream are ideally suited to what we’re trying to collect, and so the links are now polled and assimilated into our aggregated content.